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Healing Together Postpartum - With Greer Kirshenbaum and Laura Latina

Healing together postpartum is an experiential online support group designed for mothers navigating postpartum. 

This nurturing space offers a slow and gentle pace to allow you to regulate your nervous system.

Our aim is to guide you towards cultivating a present and nurturing parenting style.

Join us for seven sessions held bi-weekly, as we delve into selected topics and address questions, providing you with invaluable tools to navigate your journey.

We will meet virtually on Zoom at 10 am - 12pm EST on:

Sept 27

Oct 11 & 25

Nov 8 and 22

Dec 7 & 20

This experiential journey is about exploring together, understanding your needs, becoming aware of your emotions, somatic state and beliefs.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative exploration, connecting with the present moment and each other.

Through encouraging full presence, reflection, and authentic expression, you'll have the opportunity to engage with your group, finding safety within yourself to establish a profound and nurturing connection with your baby (or babies).

Laura Latina is a Midwife and Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Greer Kirshenbaum is a Neuroscientist Doula, Life coach

Fee is $300 USD or $400 CAD or $273 Euro - A Three Month Payment Plan Will be Available